I first met Neil in 1992 when we were both at university in Southampton. His friend from home, Anthony, was on my degree course. We all bonded over our support of slightly above average Midlands’ football teams (back then their Coventry were in the Premiership with my Aston Villa!) I remember visiting Anthony and Neil in the Spring of 1993 – it was a gorgeous sunny day, and Coventry looked really green and beautiful. Having been back since, I can see it was not a normal day! Neil and I then trained at Deloittes (at that point called Touche Ross) in Birmingham at the same time – and there are lots of tales of ‘free drinks’ at OCs in town, and the boys’ trips to Weston (which could not be discussed in front of us female employees!) Over the years our starting band of 30+ trainee accountants (mostly) drifted away from Deloittes – but as a year group lots of us kept in touch, and Neil was a stalwart of the annual Christmas gatherings. We’d all catch up with ridiculous Secret Santa presents, stupid ‘in jokes’ from the last few decades and drink too much beer. This December will be the 30th anniversary of this ritual – and we will all raise a very large glass to Neil. With love to all of Neil's family and friends, from Libby. xx